Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

weee parah banget gue baru nge-posting sekarang hahahahaha

Sabtu, 12 September 2009

You belong with me-lyric

You're on the phone with your girlfriend
she's upset
she's going off about something that you said
'cuz she'll never get your humor like i do
i'm in the room
it's a typical tuesday night
i'm listening to the kind of music she's doesn't like
and she'll never know your story like i do

she wears short skirt
i wear T-shirt
she's cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers
dreaming about the day
when you wake up and find that what you're
lookin' for has been here the whole time

if you could see that im the one who understands you
been here all along
so why can't you see
you belong with me
you belong with me

walk in the streets with you and your worn-out jeans
i can't help thinking this how it ought to be
laughin' on a park bench, thinking to myself
hey. Isn't this easy

and you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
i haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down
you say you're fine
i know you better than that
hey watcha doin' with the girl like that

she wears high heels
i wear sneakers
she cheer captain and i'm on the bleachers
dreaming about the day
when you wake up and find that what you're
looking for has been here the whole time

if you could see that im the one who understands you
been here all along
so why can't you see
you belong with me

standing by and waiting at your back door
all this time how could you not know
You belong with me
you belong with me

i remember you drivin' to my house in the middle of the night
i'm the one who makes you laugh
when you know you're about to cry
and i know your favorite songs
and you tell me about your dream
i think i know where you belong
i think i know i'ts with me...

Can't you see that im the one who understands you
been here all along
so why can't you see
you belong with me

standing by and waiting at your back door
all this time how could you not know
You belong with me
you belong with me

you belong with me...

Jumat, 11 September 2009

Ohaiooo ^^

Ohaiooo minna-san
pagi pagi gini bete, gaada yang bisa gue kerjain
gue mau gambar tapi gaada inspirasi

hehe blogesh. Dont' ya know ?
Gue beratnya turun lagi lohhhh
gue bakal diet terus hehe gue mau kurus
wish me luck guys
Ohaiooo minna-san
pagi pagi gini bete, gaada yang bisa gue kerjain
gue mau gambar tapi gaada inspirasi

hehe blogesh. Dont' ya know ?
Gue beratnya turun lagi lohhhh
gue bakal diet terus hehe gue mau kurus
wish me luck guys

Sabtu, 05 September 2009

Sistaaa sistaaa my luply sista i miss ya so badddd

Okey i miss her
long time no see her..since her merried party.
gue inget banget waktu2 dia nyalon, ngelulur, spa, go shopping till drop, and many more
gue iri deh sama dia -selain badan langsing dan otak cemerlangnya tentu saja- dia bisa tegar banget sama cintanya, dia dapet suami yang bener bener ngertiin dia dan dia punya baby yang ganteeeng
danieelll, auntie maya kangen padamuhhh

daniel, he's my nephew :)

oke. My sista is soo fashionable
with her slimmmm body she's can wears anytings !

Padahal dulu gue pengen dia cepet2 pergi dari rumah-gamungkin tahan sama tingkah lakunya yang seperti ratu !-tapi sekarang gue malah ngerasa butuh dia
dia kayak penampung curhat
apalagi dia pakarnya yang tentang relationship itu :)

okey sist
i just wanna say:
by bloggog


Oh my.. I feels like a little kid who wants her toy

Lo tau kan gue lagi pengen bangetss ransel kuning yg dijual di cinere
gue harap gue bisa membeli, memiliki, mempunyai, tas yg gue pengenin itu
then.. Gue mau beli legging. Lo taukan betapa pentingnya legging haha
yup, mungkin gue jga mau beli beberapa novel
tapi gue bersedia gabeli novel kalo gue bisa beli 1 tas lagi

eniwei, gue ngerasa sakit deh. Ah ! Gatau kenapa gue mual2, pusing, dan lemes
ya know. Tadi pagi gue cek sendiri gds gue dan hasilnya 3ratus berapaaaa gtu
huah !mantabz

ngh.. Do ya know ?minta duit ke papah tuh tegangnya kayak minta sembako ke singa
padahal kalo gue lebih berani. Pasti bisa dapet dengan mudahnya

oia.. Lo harus coba denger top 5 songs i likes :
1. Falling for you -colbie caillat
2. You belong with me - taylor swift
3. Touch my hand - david archuleta
4. Black heart inertia - incubus
5. Light on - david cook

tuh lagu oke oke banget dah yak !hihi

hemmm.. Gue harap dispenser nya udah dicolokin biar airnya dingin
enek gue minum aer biasa

bye bye bloggogh
oia denger mariah carey yg obsased deh
enak juga tuh

udah ya, dah

Jumat, 04 September 2009

Re-volutioner (i tired of this situation)

Gue ngerasa kesepian bgt di kelas, dimanapun
gue kangen 7b. Kangen cerberuz, kangen bu lala, kangen bunga, kangen ketty
gue kepisah dari mereka. Gue ngerasa 'asing'
gue mau ada yg ngehibur gue, gue kangen kalian.. CERBEZER LOVE YA ALL

gue jadi agak sering nangis, dan sakit sakitan haha
kadang gue males bgt masuk sekolah

nilai2 gue turun. Gaada yang nyemangatin gue lagi, gaada yg bantuin gue nyelesain masalah

anyway.. Gue capek gendut
gue mau berubah
gue mau kurus.. Gue ga bakal (diulang) GABAKAL MAKAN NASI selama 4 minggu kedepan
gue 'cuma' minum susu aja !
Gue harus kurus haha
gue gasuka liat badan gue begini
tapi gue jga terlalu males buat jadi bulimia atau anoreksia
haha :)
dan gue ga bisa ngelepasin pandangan gue dari DIA !

Gue gaboleh begini !tapi mau gmana lgi
gue tau 'guesukadia'
tapi apa dia ganyadar kalo gue yang selalu bikin lo ketawa
bikin lo semangat
selama ini yang lo liat cuma fisik
dan gue tau gue bener bener bego bisa suka sama lo sama kayak gini

huftt. Gue gatau apa perasaan lo ke gue
dan gue cuma bisa bersikap GAPEDULI

gue pengen bgt ngasih tau kalo lagu taylor swift yang you belong with me tuh PAS BANGET BUAT LO
sampe kapan lo mau ganyadar ?kalo gue lebih baik dari dia ?